The Diffusion of Drone Warfare?
10. 4. 2015 Author: Oldřich Bureš In the first ever public lecture delivered by the first ever MUP/C4SS post-doc fellow Andrea Gilli on March 30, 2015, his research of a hot topic of contemporary security studies was presented – drone warfare.Dr. Gilli’s lecture questioned the conventional wisdom that drones are easy to produce and/or copy and thus will spread around the world speedily. He presented a number of industrial, infrastructural and organizational constraints that significantly complicate the proliferation of drones. The research underlying the lecture was already accepted for publication in a top IS journal Security Studies. The lecture was attended by more than 20 MUP students as well as several faculty members from the IRES and MVES departments. The lecture was also streamed on-line at live.mup.cz.
Oldrich Bures, Head of C4SS
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