15/12/2015 - Black Nationalism and Challenges to the American Identity
Ibero-American Centre (IAC) and the Department of International Relations and European Studies (IRES) at Metropolitan University Prague are pleased to announce "Black Nationalism and Challenges to the American Identity", open lecture by Tony Jones, the Deputy Cultural Affairs Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Prague.WHEN: 15 December 2015, 15:00–16:30
WHERE: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, room 206
Black Nationalism is a political and social movement prominent in the 1960s and early ’70s in the United States among some African Americans. The movement sought to acquire economic power and to infuse among blacks in the United States a sense of community. As an alternative to being assimilated by the American nation and having an American identity, black nationalists sought to maintain and promote their separate identity as a people of black ancestry. The “black power” and “black is beautiful” movement emerged and sought to inculcate a sense of pride among blacks in the United States. Tony Jones will examine the black nationalist movement in the United States and delve into how this movement still plays a role in the African-American community today and presents a challenge to the American identity.