26/03/2014 - The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Balancing Sino-Russian Interests
On March 26th, the Department of Asian Studies and the Centre for Asian-Pacific Studies of Metropolitan University Prague held a guest lecture on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Balancing Sino-Russian Interests.Dr. Alica Kizekova discussed the dynamics of regional cooperation of China, Russia and the four Central Asian states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan within the framework of the SCO. She also outlined some limitations of the SCO’s soft-balancing strategy in response to the presence of foreign military forces in Central Asia since 2001.
Dr. Alica Kizekova has been at the Metropolitan University Prague since February 2014. She holds an Honorary Adjunct Research Fellowship at the Center for East-West Cultural & Economic Studies at Bond University, Queensland, Australia. Previously she worked as a Teaching Fellow at Bond University and she was a National contact point for the Slovak Republic in the European Union Communitary Programme - IDABC (Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens).
Contact: kizekova@mup.cz