11/04/2022 - U.S. and European Responses to the Russia-Ukraine War – Roundtable & Discussion
The event is jointly organised by the Centre for Security Studies (C4SS), the Department of International Relations and European Studies (IRES) and the Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS), all of which are units of the Metropolitan University Prague.WHEN: 11 April 2022, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
in-person: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, Room: 305 - Kindly confirm your registration at registration.mup.cz
on-line: MS Teams
Prof. Oldřich Bureš (C4SS)
Dr. Aleš Karmazin (CEJISS)
Assoc. Prof. Mats Braun (IRES, C4SS) – Nordic countries
Dr. Ricardo Reboredo (IRES, C4SS) – USA and North-Atlantic geopolitics
Dr. Marko Stojić (IRES) – Serbia and the Balkans
Dr. Christine Andreeva (C4SS) – Bulgaria
The responses of Western countries to the Russia-Ukraine war are by no means unanimous. This event explores these variances and contrasting approaches, mainly focusing on U.S. foreign policy, strategic shifts in policies of the Nordic countries and hesitant responses by some Eastern European countries.