06/12/2018 - The Americas and the Politics of Migration
Ibero-American Centre of the Metropolitan University Prague in cooperation with the Anglo-American University AAU’s School of International Relations and Diplomacy organised the discussion "The Americas and the Politics of Migration" with Kateřina Březinová, head of the Ibero-American Centre at the Metropolitan University Prague.WHEN: 6 December 2018 at 18:30
WHERE: Café des Taxis, Letenská 120/5, Prague 1
One of the most visible issues in political relations among the states of North and Central America over the last two years has been migration. In the run-up to the US midterm elections, it was a point of particular focus with much talk of “the caravan.” The issue of migration and the politics and policies surrounding it is quite more complex and long-standing, however. What are the drivers for migration between Central America, Mexico, and the US? What are the relevant policies and policy changes? How has the newest hardline approach from the US affected the people on the ground?
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