12/04/2022 - Spanish Multinationals and their Social Responsibility Policies in Developing Countries
Department of International Business cordially invites you to a guest lecture of Dr. Maria del Mar Maira Vidal from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, on Spanish Multinationals and their Social Responsibility Policies in Developing Countries.WHEN: Tuesday 12 April 2022 at 10:30 am
in-person: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, Room: 206
on-line: MS Teams – If you want to be added as a guest, please contact Dr. Tereza Němečková at tereza.nemeckova@mup.cz.
This lecture will explain different instruments that the Spanish multinationals have developed in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility in developing countries in the last decades. These instruments have been unilaterally developed in some cases, the codes of conduct and the CSR Reports, and bilaterally, along with the trade unions, in the case of the global framework agreements (GFA). In Spain there are more than 10 companies that have signed global framework agreements in the last decades, some of them have also signed the only one-sector GFA in the world, the Accord, which is a healthy and safety agreement in the textile industry in Bangladesh that has been carried out since 2013.