08/06/2022 - Research presentation and the experience with international mobility
Roundtable about the research and administration of international mobility program "International Mobility of Researchers at Metropolitan University Prague II". The seminar consisted of two short presentations of research done during the secondment periods, and a discussion about the benefits and perils of international mobilities.Date: 8 June 2022
Time: 12:30-13:30
Room: MUP Prague-Strašnice Building, room no 305
“The politics of R2P circulation” by Šárka Kolmašová, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations and European Studies and a visiting fellow at Suffolk University, Boston, USA.
“The rise and fall of environmental norms”by Michal Kolmaš, Associate Professor, Department of Asian Studies and a visiting fellow at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, USA.
Project title: International Mobility of Researchers at Metropolitan University Prague II
Registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017025