09/10/2018 - Mexico after Elections: Promising Future or Populist Threat?
Mexico, an important regional power of Latin America, has faced crucial presidential elections this year that may affect the future economic and political direction of the region. The victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador has set the stage for the most left-wing government in the country's democratic history. What lies ahead for the country and what will be the effect on the region as a whole? What will be the future of the US-Mexican relations? What will bring the Trump-AMLO interaction?22nd Forum 2000 Conference – Democracy: In need of a critical update?
Working Breakfast (Goethe-Institut, Conference Room)
WHEN: 9. 10. 2018, 08:30 – 10:00
Kateřina Březinová, Head of the Iberoamerican Centre, Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic
José Manuel Vivanco, Human rights Watch, Executive Director of Americas Division, USA
Marco Antonio Fernández Martínez, Tecnológico de Monterrey, School of Government, Mexico