09/01/2024 - Life and Death of Black Slaves in Colonial Venezuela
Iberoamerican centre of the Metropolitan University Prague along with the Center for Iberoamerican Studies of the Charles University in Prague cordially invite you to a guest lecture by a historian Guillermo Bisbal "Life and Death of Black Slaves in Colonial Venezuela: The Political Use of the Afro-descendant Past in Venezuela".WHEN: Tuesday, 9 January 2024, 15:50
WHERE: Charles University in Prague building at Voršilská 1, room 407
Language: English
- What was the daily life of black slaves like in colonial Venezuela?
- How did they resist captivity and sought freedom?
- How do Afro-descendant communities and the government use the historical narratives of colonial slavery in Venezuela today?
Guillermo Bisbal is anthropologist and historian from Universidad Central de Venezuela. He holds Masters degree in Comparative History from the Central European University and he is currently a postgraduate student in Religious Studies and Afro-Latin American Studies at Harvard University. His research focuses on the cultural relations between Latin America and Europe, with special attention to the colonial period (16th-19th centuries).