23/05/2016 - Designing Social Research: Before Methodology
Public seminar on research methods by ourPostDoc fellow dr. Andrea Gilli on Designing Social Research: Before Methodology.WHEN: 23 May 2016, 15:00–17:00
WHERE: Room no. 205, MUP Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, Prague 10
Free entry, no registration required.
Lecture outline: Does a cold winter prove that global warming is not happening? Does world poverty prove that international trade makes countries worse off? In order to answer these questions, we need a solid research design – an idea about how to conduct research, included the type of methodology to use, and the data to rely on. This lecture will provide students with solid understanding of research design and will rely on practical examples to illustrate what problems researchers recurrently face and how to address them.