30/11/2012 - Maritime and Overland Trade Routes in Asia
The Department of Asian Studies and the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies at Metropolitan University Prague cordially invite you to an international academic seminar entitled "Maritime and Overland Trade Routes in Asia".This workshop provides a forum to discuss the issue of connectivity in Asia. It will examine this issue from the historical perspective (travelling and trading routes via land and sea, travellers and their importance for connecting different worlds), political, socio-cultural and economic geographies, security challenges along these routes and the impact of technological innovations (such as cyberspace links and the limits of such connections).
VENUE: Metropolitan University Prague, Prokopova 16, Prague 3 – Žižkov, attic
TIME: 9:30–12:30, November 30th, 2012
Tento workshop je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky v rámci projektu Síť spolupráce při výzkumu MEO, reg. č. CZ 1.0.7/2.4. 00/31.0027.