14/05/2014 - Film and US Foreign Policy
The last STAR Discussion of the 2013/2014 summer semester entitled "Film and US Foreign Policy" led by Mr. George Hays.The seminar focused on the idea that there is no America, at least not in terms of national identity. As communications technologies have spread and penetrated societies, identity and identification have become democratized. This presents a logical paradox as ever greater variants of exclusionary meaning are attached to a single sign. If all are singularly "American", then there is no America; if all people are "Kings", then there is no King and no Kingdom. The deconstruction of big-budget Hollywood war films allows for a great opportunity to illustrate this problem.
STAR (Student Audience for Research) runs a series of free seminars every academic year. The seminars are designed for students from MUP Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Degree programmes, as well as for all interested public from other institutions. STAR seminar series serve as a laboratory for students, practitioners, and interested parties to freely discuss issues of various importance and interest, share and brainstorm ideas, get new insights.