04/11/2014 - Access to Education in Cambodia
The Department of Asian Studies and Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies cordially invite you to a guest lecture by Ela Gerthnerova on the topic "Access to Education in Cambodia".Despite numerous targeted efforts by various stakeholders to increase access to (primary) education and learning in Cambodia, there are still considerable challenges especially for marginalized and vulnerable children. Great urban–rural disparities exist.
There are political, system, social, community and school factors that prevent children’s access to education and real learning. The major objective of this lecture is to introduce these factors and highlight possible ways forward towards more accessible and inclusive (primary) education in Cambodia.
Ela Gerthnerova is a young professional with a significant international experience in research, programme management and policy analysis in areas of civil society capacity building, platforms coordination, education, gender mainstreaming, reproductive & maternal health and disaster risk reduction, including monitoring & evaluation aspects. She has worked on several development projects throughout Asia, especially in Cambodia and Vietnam.